The number of race laps are only show when you in a race and the QualMins don't show anything.
I tested white the next script.
Type !test in a qual session gives RaceLaps :0 and QalMins :
Type !test in a race session gives RaceLaps :6 (OK,is number of racelaps ) and QalMins :
After a race or when race is not started ( nobody on the track) the number of race laps will stay on 0.
The getLapperVar( "QalMins" ) stay always empty.
To install the lapper.ini
Copy the lapper.ini in (Path where you installed PSPad)...\PSPad editor\Syntax . ( default is C:\Program Files\PSPad editor\Syntax )
Open PSPad and under Settings - Highlighters setting click on <not assigned> and select on the right side lapper and Apply
I think you are missing GlobalVar $Angle_drift; somewhere.
$AngleVelocity is the drift angel ( positive and negative ).
With $Angle_drift=($AngleVelocity)*(-1); you make the negative value of $AngleVelocity positive and store it in $Angle_drift.
Yes , you can do that with LFSLapper.
The total number of laps per car/track is default in lapper.
And you can make a script that count the number of laps per player per session or qual ed.
######################### #Action to do on session# #########################
$MaxSessionLaps = 2;
Event OnMaxSessionLaps() # Player event privMsg( "Max session laps reacheds" ); EndEvent
Im busy with a multi language GUI with also the missing tracks BL3 AU1 AU2 AU3 AU4.
I will also update the drift part.
New version works with LFSLapper 5.844 and use the new lappervars getLapperVar( "RaceLaps" ); and getLapperVar( "QalMins" ); to set automatic the Qual time and number of race laps.
I dont know when ready because i need to find some time to finish it . ( im a bit busy at the moment)
When the Gui104 startup it do not detect with track is active but starts always with BL1.
Now it detect what the current track is when the GUI start up and shows the correct one.
And there is a small cosmetic bug when you sellect a reverse track button (example BL1 and Reverse) and when you sellect a other track ( example KY1 ) the reverse button of BL1 will not moved to KY1.
Both works fine in version Gui104b and in Gui105.
In Version Gui105 is also the car selector improved.
I updated the config GUI to Version 1.0.7 to setup your server(s).
Last changes
Ver.1.0.5 The track selector works now ok. ( old version had a small bug with the reverse tracks ).
Ver.1.0.5 The car selector is improved. You can now select now any car combination. Like GTR-XRR gives FXR+FXR or TBO+FZ5
Ver.1.0.5 Just make a selection of the cars you want and press the SET button.
Ver.1.0.7 You can now also select the missing tracks BL3 AU1 AU2 AU3 AU4
Ver.1.0.7 You can now choice between Laps/Hours races.
Ver.1.0.7 Fixed some little bugs.
LFSLapper Version
I have tested this GUI on LFSLapper 5.844 and 5.845 and works fine.
Replace the guiconfig.lpr file in your working dir ..\bin\default\includes
To use the GUI ingame be sure that your username is in the admin.txt file and just type !gui
I was trying to create something to start a race with a rolling start.
The idea was that the safety car is on pole and driven by a admin. second place is empty, and 3rd to the last is everyone who is racing is order of the qual. I dont know if this is posible but it sounds great .
I did a race on iracing on a oval with a rolling start and it was really great
A small request.
Its now posible to move users in a group with MoveUserToGroup() and remove a user from a group with RemoveUserFromGroup().
But i also like a new GLScript function that remove all users from a group. Something like RemoveAllUsersFromGroup() or EmptyGroup().
Cool Thanks this will be great.
Is it then also posible to leave a place on the grid open?
Example: 1st place a player, 2nd place empty ,3rd to last place the rest of the players.
Thanks in advance
But your connection is not ok.
Check your Insim port. Start LFS server with argument "/Insim=29999"
or type "/insim 29999" in talk window when server is already running.
And check if your admin pwd from the dedi server the same is as in lapper.
In the ini file and in LFSLapper.lpr
Hi Andy,
I created this to make the new points database.
When somebody connect the old points wil copyed to the new database.
In Event OnConnect()
SetCurrentPlayerVar( "points_total",getUserStoredValue( "points_total" ) ); #Get total points new database SetCurrentPlayerVar( "tot_points",GetStoredValue( $Username . "tot_points" ) ); #Get total points old databsae
IF( GetCurrentPlayerVar( "tot_points" ) > GetCurrentPlayerVar( "points_total" ) ) #If old data is bigger then new data THEN #Then set new data with the old data SetCurrentPlayerVar( "points_total", GetCurrentPlayerVar( "tot_points" ) ); setUserStoredValue( "points_total", GetCurrentPlayerVar( "points_total" ) ); ENDIF
And to show the points
CASE "!point": topUser( "[AKM] Points System","points_total","DESC",argv ); BREAK; CASE "!rank": nearUser( "[AKM] Points System","points_total","DESC",argv ); BREAK;
The new GLScript command's in version 5.837 works great Thx
a small bug report:
If in part Race Control the $AutoRestartRaceSec=120; is set to 2 minutes
If qual is in progress and there is only one player online , and when you go to pit and leave pit the qual stops and race will start after 2 minutes.
$AutoRestartRaceSec = Second between the end of a race (last player finished) and an automatic restart
Sounds great Very good job. Very nice new options in ver 5.837
I only missing in the errorlog the name of the lpr file,the name of the Sub and linenumber where the fault is in the script. And a short error message like SYNTAX ERROR or MISSING something.
It was a vote by other players , so the ban was for 12 hours.
I checked the ban file and bazzz66 was not in it anymore.
LFSLapper was down yesterday , but normaly you can read the server rules with !rules or type !help and click rules.
Crashing other players is not allowed on NLR . If see by me ( or other admin ) people will be bannend or kicked. Min. ban is 1 day( 24 hours ) or longer.
ps. we dont have a website ( is still under construction ).